About Us

Who we are

Old Dominion Foundation, Incorporated, established in 1991, is committed to supporting, enhancing and expanding programs and endeavors set forth in its philanthropic mission. The Foundation is engaged in educational, charitable, and cultural activities benefiting under-served communities of Prince William County, Virginia and the surrounding area.

The Foundation continues to pursue the vision of its founders, DyAnne Horner Little and Willa Rawls Dumas in the spirit of dedication, hard work and a quest for excellence. Throughout its 33 years of existence, the Foundation has provided over $230,000.00 in funds for scholarships, initiatives and programs, which include:

  •  Funded programming and initiatives for the Old Dominion (VA) Chapter, The Links Incorporated.
  •  Sponsored book signings with authors: Patricia Russell- McCloud, Connie Briscoe, Bebe Moore Campbell, Yolanda Jo, Valerie Wilson Wesley, Walter Mosley and Alice Randall.
  •  Co-sponsored the 2016 Harlem Fine Arts Show – Washington, DC.
  •  Funded mentoring programs for elementary, middle, and high school students in Prince William County.
  •  Contributed to the National Blanket of Hope Initiative.
  •  Sponsored Health Fairs and a Health Summit for the greater Prince William Community.
  •  Contributed to Loretta’s Home of Agape, Inc., and to the Christian Relief Services.
  •  Served as one of the sponsors of the Family Forum: It’s Your Life; It’s Your Choice.
  •  Sponsored / chaperoned elementary, middle and high school students to the National Book Festival.
  •  Purchased pigs and goats for the malnourished in Haiti.
  •  Contributed gifts/ food baskets/ gift certificates to families at Thanksgiving and Christmas.
  •  Co-sponsored a Cyber Bullying Workshop for the Hylton Boys and Girls Club.
  •  Sponsored Domestic Violence Prevention Program for Abused Women and Battered Children.
  •  Provided school materials and financial contributions to Haiti and countries in Africa.
  •  Co-sponsored the Inter Agency Annual Youth Summits with other community groups.
  •  Sponsored Annual Awards Night Programs to recognize community leaders who supported our programs.
  •  Sponsored luncheon/fashion shows for the Prince William County Senior Citizens Program.
  •  Sponsored “Spotlight on Youth” programs featuring talented local youth.
  •  Funded “Santa” parties with Marine Toys For Tots Program at Christmas for families supported by Section VIII Housing.
  •  Sponsored theatre parties for “Three Sistahs” and “Crowns.”
  •  Funded the Black Dolls to Africa Project.
  •  Funded entertainment and presented gifts made by mentees to senior citizens at the Annaburg Manor Home.
  •  Co-sponsored Youth Summit “The State of Black America” with Library of Congress and National Visionary Leadership Project.

want to donate?

Please support ODF’s philanthropic mission with a tax deductible contribution. Contributions are appreciated in any amount.

Our Officers

Carlotta Boone - ODF Chairman

Carlotta Boone


Shirley Robinson Walker - Recording Secretary

Shirley Robinson Walker

Recording Secretary

Jackie Harper - ODF Financial Secretary

Jackie Harper

Financial Secretary

Sabrina Mays-Diagne Corresponding Secretary

Sabrina Mays-Diagne

Corresponding Secretary

Jaqueline Lucas - ODF Parliamentarian

Jacqueline Lucas


Allison Blow -  ODF Immediate Past Chairman

Allison Blow

Immediate Past Chairman